
Senshu University Center for Social Capital Studies
|Our Organisation| (March 2014)
   Name Affiliation Research interests
Chair Hiroo HARADA

Dean,Graduate School of Economics
Professor (public finance), Schoolof Economics

Local governance and market/environment
(Group chief)


Professor (social business), School of Commerce Social business and community
Researcher Yoshiaki IIDA Professor (sports sociology), School of Economics Sports business and culture
Researcher Rui IZUMI Professor (environmental economics), School of Economics Local currencies and commons
Researcher Masashi SHIMIZU Professor (economic theory), School of Economics Commodity and currency
Researcher Kenji TOKUDA

Professor (economic policy), School of Economics

Community business and social capital
Researcher Shiro ABE Assistant Proffessor (regional economics), School of Economics Tranceportation and Social Capital
Researcher Hiromi HIGUCHI Professor (sociology), School of Human Sciences Life, work and community
Research Fellow Shogo HAYASHI President, Japan Academy for Municipal Personnel Political culture and local governance
(Deputy chair, Group chief)
Kazuo UEDA Dean,Graduate School of Commerce
Professor (risk management), School of Commerce
Social risk management and Insurance
Researcher Naoko SAJIMA Professor (international politics), School of Economics Internal and external national security
Researcher Masakazu NAGAE Professor (economic history), School of Economics History of economic crises and economic policy
Researcher Hideo NAKANO Professor (public finance), School of Economics Finance, education, and social infrastructure
(Academic secretary)
Takeshi NAGASHIMA Associate Professor (social history), School of Economics History of environment and public health policy
Researcher Masakazu IMAI Professor, School of Business Administration International business
Researcher Jun OYANE Professor (sociology), School of Human Sciences Sociological analysis of disasters
Research Fellow Takashi OMORI Professor(economics), Tokyo City University
Social capital and economics
Research Fellow Kazuyasu KAWASAKI Professor (urban economics), Toyo University Urban economy and transportation
Research Fellow Yuichi MARUMO Visiting Lecturer, School of Law, Senshu University Japan's defense legislation, defence administration and study of public interests
Research Fellow Deoksu KANG Associate Professor, Department of Business Innovation, Kaetsu University Social risk and management
Research Fellow Tarisa WATANAGASE Former Governor of the Bank of Thailand Monetary policy and system
Research Fellow Guang yun ZAHANG Associate Professor, School of Law, Sichuan Normal Universiuty Criminal laws and social capital
Civil Society      
(Group chief)
Shunsuke MURAKAMI Professor (social thought), School of Economics Comparative studies on civic associations
Researcher Takeko IINUMA Professor (development studies), School of Economics Gender in community
Researcher Juichi INADA Professor(international relation), School of Economics International cooperation
Researcher Emi KONISHI Professor (urban history), School of Economics History of urban politics and society
Researcher Katsumi SHIMANE Professor (sociology), School of Human Sciences Sociological analysis of culture
Research Fellow Hiroshi UCHIDA Professor Emeritus (economic thought), Senshu University Ethics of economics and civil society
Research Fellow Shinichi OBAZAWA Contract Professor (social survey), Hosei University Revitalization of local community
Research Fellow Gesine FOLJANTY-JOST


Civil society and local autonomy
Postdoctoral Fellow(P?D) Yasuhiro TANAKA

PhD candidate (Global infomation and telecommunication studies), Waseda university Insutitute of Asia-Pacific Studies

Risk Cognition and social capital
Research Assistant(R?A) Hidekazu MIYAGAWA PhD candidate (Asian history), Graduate School of Literature Historical analysis of social unity
Research Assistant(R?A) Satoshi TANAKA PhD candidate (sociology), Graduate School of Literature Community and urban regeneration