- 2014年度に購入した主な文献資料
- African Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique, 2013.
- Anuario estadistico de America Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2013.(Sales No.: E/S.14.II.G.1)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2012, Vol. 1: Trade by Country. (Sales No.: E.14.XVII.2.H)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2012, Vol. II: Trade by Commodity. (Sales No.: E.14.XVII.3.H)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2013. Vol. 1: Trade by Country.(Sales No.: E.15.XVII.2.H)
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2013.(Sales No.: E.13.II.F.1)
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 38(Part 1): 2013. (Sales No.: E.14.IX.7).
- World Investment Report 2014:Investing in the SDGs - An Action Plan.(Sales No.:E.14.II.D.1)
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. April 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. April 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. April 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. May 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. May 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. May 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. June 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. June 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. June 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. July 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. July 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. July 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. August 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. August 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. August 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. September 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. September 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. September 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. October 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. October 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. October 2014 disc .
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. Novemver 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. November 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. November 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. December 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. December 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. December 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. January 2015 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. January 2015 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. January 2015 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. February 2015 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. February 2015 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. February 2015 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on DVD-ROM. March 2015 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on DVD-ROM. March 2015 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on DVD-ROM. March 2015 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2014.
- China Industry Statistical Yearbook, 2013.2.Vols.
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2014 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition).
- Economic Report of the President. Transmitted to the Congress March 2014 Together with the Annual Report of the Councilof Economic Advisors.(National Bureau of Statistics of China(Comp.),)
- Finance Year Book of China, 2013.
- Finanzbericht 2015.
- World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior.(Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Hrsg.),)
- 中国税務年鑑 / China Taxation Yearbook, 2014.
- Changing Worlds: Vietnam's Transition from Cold War to Globalization.(Elliott, David W. P.,)
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. III/Bd. 30: Engels, Friedrich: Briefwechsel,Oktober 1889 bis November 1890. Text. 2 Teilbde.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- Globalization and Politics. 4 vols. (Central Currents in Globalization)(James, Paul / Soguk, N. / van Seters, P. et al. (eds.),)
- A History of the Vietnamese.(Taylor, K. W.,)
- PROKLA 174: Materialistischer Feminismus.
- PROKLA 175: Klassentheorien.
- PROKLA 176: Politische Oekonomie des Muells.
- PROKLA 177: Globale Proteste zwischen Organisation und Bewegung.
- Southeast Asia and the Civil Society Gaze: Scoping a Contested Concept in Cambodia and Vietnam. (Routledge Studies on Civil Society in Asia)(Waibel, Gabi / Ehlert, J. / Feuer, H. N. (eds.),)
- 2013年度に購入した主な文献資料
- African Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique, 2012.
- Anuario estadistico de America Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2011.
- Anuario estadistico de America Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2012.
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2010, Vol. 2: Trade by Commodity.
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2011, Vol. 1: Trade by Country.
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2011. Vol. 2: Trade by Commodity.
- Proquest Statistical Abstract of the United States
- Statistical Yearbook 2009: Fifty-Fourth Issue.
- Statistical Yearbook 2010: Fifty-Fifth Issue / Annuaire statistique 2010: Cinquante-cinquieme edition. (Sales No.: B.12.XVII.1.H)
- Statistical Yearbook 2011: Fifty-Sixth Issue / Annuaire statistique 2011 : Cinquante-sixieme edition. (sales No.:B.13.XVII.1.H)
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2012: Country Profiles.
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 36(Part 2): 2011.
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 37(Part 1): 2012.
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 37(Part 2): 2012.
- World Investment Report 2013. Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development. (Sales No.:E.13.II.D.5)
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2013 disc .
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. Novemver 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2014 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2014 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2014 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2013.
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2013 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition).(National Bureau of Statistics of China (Comp.),)
- Economic Report of the President. Transmitted to the Congress March 2013 Together with the Annual Report of the Councilof Economic Advisors.
- Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,vol.10-1&2.
- Finance Year Book of China, 2012.
- Finanzbericht 2014.(Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Hrsg.),)
- Global Wage Report 2010/11: Wage Policies in Times of Crisis.
- Global Wage Report 2012 - 13: Wages and Equitable Growth.(Conditions of Work and Employment Programme,)
- World Development Report 2014: Risk and Opportunity - Managing Risk for Development.
- World of Work Report 2009: The Global Jobs Crisis and Beyond.
- World of Work Report 2010: From One Crisis to the Next?(International Institute for Labour Studies,)
- World of Work Report 2011: Making Markets Work for Jobs.(International Institute for Labour Studies,)
- World of Work Report 2012: Better Jobs for a Better Economy.(International Institute for Labour Studies,)
- 中国税務年鑑 / China Taxation Yearbook, 2013.
- 中国税務年鑑 / Tax Year Book of China, 2012.
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. III/Bd. 12: Marx, Karl / Engels, F., Briefwechsel, Januar 1862 bis September 1864. 2 Teilbde.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- PROKLA 170: Soziale Kaempfe in Afrka.
- PROKLA 171: Demokratie und Herrschaft, Parlamentarismus und Parteien.
- PROKLA 172: Gesellschaftstheorie III. Kontroversen.
- PROKLA 173: Familie und Staat.
- 2012年度に購入した主な文献資料
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2011
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 36(Part 1): 2011.
- World Investment Report 2012: Towards a New Generation of Investment Policies.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2012 disc .
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. Novemver 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2012 disc..
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2012 disc..
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2013 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2013 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2013 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2012.
- Finanzbericht 2013.(Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Hrsg.),)
- China Industry Economy Statistical Yearbook, 2011.
- China Industry Economy Statistical Yearbook, 2012.
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2012 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition).(National Bureau of Statistics of China (Comp.),)
- World Development Report 2013: Jobs.
- Finance Year Book of China, 2011.
- Economic Report of the President 2012. Transmitted to the Congress February 2012. Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers.
- Proquest Statistical Abustract of the United States 2013:National Data Book
- International Political Economy Yearabook
- 浙江省財政年鑑2011
- 安徽省財政年鑑2011
- 内蒙古統計年鑑2012
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. II/Bd. 4/Teil 3: Marx, Karl, Oekonomische Manuskripte 1863 - 1868. 2 Bde. Bearb. von C.-E. Vollgraf unter Mitwirkung von L. Mis'kevic.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- PROKLA 167: Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik heute.
- PROKLA 168: Die EU und der Euro in der Krise.
- PROKLA 169: Finanzierung, Konzentration, veraenderte Unternehmensformen.
- Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2013. 13th ed.
- Holding-Together Regionalism: Twenty Years of Post-Soviet Integration.(Libman, Alexander / Vinokurov, E.,)
- In the Grip of Transition: Economic and Social Consequences of Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine.(Brueck, Tilman / Lehmann, H. (eds.),)
- Impact of Land Reform Strategies on Rural Poverty in the Commonwealth of Independent States: Comparison between Georgiaand Moldova.(Koetschau, Kerstin,)
- 20 years of Transformation: Achievements, Problems and Perspectives.(Kolodko, Grzegorz W. / Tomkiewicz, J. (eds.),)
- The Least Developed Countries Report 2011: The Potential Role of South-South Cooperation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development.
- Building Big Business in Russia: The Impact of Informal Corporate Governance Practices.(Adachi, Yuko,)
- Rethinking Agricultural Policy Regimes: Food Security, Climate Change and the Future Resilience of Global Agriculture.(Almas, Reidar / Campbell, H. (eds.),)
- One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World?(Conway, Gordon / Wilson, K.,)
- Farming for Food and Water Security.(Lichtfouse, Eric (ed.),)
- Azerbaijan: Inclusive Growth in A Resource-Rich Economy.(Onder, Harun,)
- Success in Agricultural Transformation: What It Means and What Makes It Happen.(Tsakok, Isabelle,)
- The Atlas of World Hunger.(Bassett, Thomas J. / Winter-Nelson, A.,)
- The International Economic Crisis and the Post-Soviet States.(Feklyunina, Valentina / Whtie, S. (eds.),)
- Biofuels and Rural Poverty.(Clancy, Joy,)
- Thirty Years of China's Reform(Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy)
- 日本女性差別事件資料集成6 賃金差別事件資料Ⅳ
- RGANI (Russian Government Archive of Contemporary History, Rossiskiy Gosudarstveniy Arkhiv Noveyshey Istorii)マイクロフィルム?リール番号No.333-360
- ノヴォシビルスク産業史 全5巻 第4巻:安全率(1946-1985年)
- カザフスタン共和国大統領ナザルバーエフの対外政治活動
- カザフスタン共和国アスタナの産業
- シベリアの農村 歴史?現代的状況?発展の展望
- 占領時代の生活。ヴィーンニツァ州 1941-1944年
- カラウーロフ: ロシアの地獄 ソ連崩壊後のロシア
- モローゾヴァ: 国内戦の人間学 1917-1920年
- 第二次大戦中モスクワ大アトラス 1941-1945年
- テレビ番組「ナメードニ(ついこの間)」 1961-2003年の出来事(DVD4枚組)
- 20世紀ロシア資料集 二キータ?セルゲーヴィチ?フルシチョフ 全2巻
- 20世紀ロシア資料集 1980年モスクワ?オリンピック?クロニクル
- グラトキー他: 外国の経済社会地理学
- レンチューク: CIS諸国における国際協力とイノヴェーション
- ポストソビエト空間: レアリアと展望 (「国際経済と政治研究」シリーズ)
- ロシアのアルテーリ研究集成(19世紀-20世紀初頭の代表的学者たちによる著作集)
- 農業国ロシア 9-16世紀
- ロシアとウクライナの金融政策の戦略と戦法と世界
- ロシア地域経済百科事典 ヴォルゴグラード州
- ロシア農民蜂起 1918-1922年 マフノ軍からアントノフ軍まで
- ドゥーギン: プーチン対プーチン 過去と未来の大統領
- デニーソヴァ: ソ連およびポストソビエト?ロシアにおけるロシアの農婦
- ナウモフ : スターリンとNKVD(内務人民委員部)
- バシラチョーフ: 人口学に映し出されたロシアの農民階級
- ニコリスキー: 20世紀ロシアの農業問題
- ソビエト国家の農業政策と1930年代シベリアの農産業
- ロシア経済のイノベーション的発展 シナリオと戦略 第5回国際会議資料集 第1集
- クレヌイシェフ: ロシア農業首都 モスクワ農業界概史
- クロパチョーフ他: 1937-1945年ソビエト連邦における人口喪失(スターリニズムの歴史)
- ミトロファーノフ: 農奴解放後19世紀のロシア地方都市の日常生活
- 2011年度に購入した主な文献資料
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific, 2009. (Sales No. E.10.II.F.1)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2009, Vol. 1: Trade by Country. (Sales No.: E.11.XVII.2 H)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2009, Vol. 2: Trade by Commodity. (Sales No.: E.11.XVII.3 H)
- Anuario estadistico de America Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2010. (Sales No.: B.11.II.G.1)
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 35(Part 1): 2010. (Sales No. E.11.IX.1).
- African Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique, 2010. (Sales No.: 10.II.K.3)
- World Investment Report 2011: Non-equity Modes of International Production and Development. (Sales No.: E.11.II.D.2).
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 35(Part 2): 2010. (Sales No. E.11.IX.2).
- African Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique, 2009.
- African Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique, 2011. (Sales No.: B.11.II.K.2)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2010, Vol. 1: Trade by Country. (Sales No.: E.12.XVII.2 H)
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2011 disc
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2012 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2012 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2012 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook 2011.
- Finanzbericht 2012.(Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Hrsg.),)
- China Industry Economy Statistical Yearbook, 2010.
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2011 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition).(National Bureau of Statistics of China (Comp.),)
- Economic Report of the President 2011. Transmitted to the Congress. Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers.
- Social Trends. 41st ed., 2011..(Office for National Statistics,)
- World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development.
- World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development.
- 中国税務年鑑 / Tax Year Book of China, 2010.
- 中国税務年鑑 / Tax Year Book of China, 2011.
- Finance Year Book of China, 2010.
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. IV/Bd. 26: Marx, Karl, Exzerpte und Notizen zur Geologie, Mineralogie und Agrikulturchemie, Maerz bis September 1878. 2 Bde. Bearb. von A. Griese, P. Krueger u. R. Sperl.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F )
- PROKLA 162: Nie wieder Krieg?
- PROKLA 163: Sparen und Herrschen
- PROKLA 164: Kritik der Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
- PROKLA 165: Gesellschaftstheorie.
- RGANI (Russian Government Archive of Contemporary History, Rossiskiy Gosudarstveniy Arkhiv Noveyshey Istorii)マイクロフィルム?リール番号No.319-332
- 2010年度に購入した主な文献資料
- Statistical Yearbook: Fifty-third Issue. (Sales No.: 09.XVII.1 H)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2008, Vol.I: Trade by Country. (Sales No.E.10.XVII.2H).
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2008, Vol.II: Trade by Commodity. (Sales No.:E10.XVII.6H)
- World Investment Report 2010: Investing in a Low-Carbon Economy. (Sales No.: E.10.II.D.2).
- Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2009. (Sales No.: 10.II.G.1)
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 34: 2009. 2 Parts. (Sales No. E.10.IX.1).
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2011 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2011 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2011 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook 2010.
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. I/Bd. 32: Marx, Karl / Engels, F., Werke, Artikel, Entwuerfe Maerz 1891 bis August 1895. 2 Bde. Bearb. von P. Koesling u. T. Schelz-Brandenburg.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. I/Bd. 30: Engels, Friedrich, Werke, Artikel, Entwuerfe Mai 1883 bis September 1886. 2 Bde. Bearb. von R. Merkel-Melis.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.(Berman, Evan M. / Moon, M. J. / Choi, Heungsuk (eds.),)
- The Rise of China and Structural Changes in Korea and Asia.(Ito, Takatoshi / Hahn, Chin Hee (eds.),)
- Encyclopedia of Latin America. 4 vols.(Leonard, Thomas M. (General ed.),)
- Central and South-Eastern Europe 2010. 10th ed.
- Central and South-Eastern Europe 2011. 11th ed.
- The Territories of the Russian Federation 2010. 11th ed.
- Politics of Modern China: Critical Issues in Modern Politics. 4 vols.(Zheng, Yongnian / Lu, Yiyi / White, L. T., III (eds.),)
- Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2011. 11th ed.(Europa Publications (ed.),)
- Political Developments in Contemporary China: A Guide.(Jeffries, Ian,)
- China's Three Decades of Economic Reforms.(Liu, Xiaohui / Zhang, Wei (eds.),)
- International Institutions. 4 vols.(Goldstein, Judith L. / Steinberg, R. H. (eds.),)
- International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 4 vols.(Breslin, Shaun / Higgott, R. (eds.),)
- Ageing in Advanced Industrial States: Riding the Age Waves. Vol. 3.(Tuljapurkar, Shripad/Ogawa, Naohiro/Gauthier, A. H. (eds.),)
- PROKLA 158: Postkoloniale Studien als kritische Sozialwissenschaft.
- PROKLA 159: Marx!.
- PROKLA 160: Kulturkaempfe.
- PROKLA 161: China im globalen Kapitalismus.
- 20世紀ロシアの歴史家たち 人物評伝?書誌事典全2巻
- アレーキン:戦時共産主義とその結果という条件下におけるロシアの農民戦争
- ゴーベルフ:”近隣諸国”(旧ソ連共和国)政治概史
- ロガーリナ:20世紀ロシアにおける権力と農業改革
- ソビエト社会の”端”で国家政策の対象としての社会的移民
- アンドレイ?コフォルド:農業技師の回想録?ロシアに暮らした半世紀
- アンドレイ?ネチャーレフ元経済相:激動のロシア20年度
- ノヴォシビルスク工業史全5巻:第一巻 始まり
- ノヴォシビルスク工業史全5巻:第二巻 時よ、進め!
- ノヴォシビルスク工業史全5巻:第三巻 第2戦線
- ノヴォシビルスク工業史全5巻:第五巻 新しい息吹
- ロシア?アジア部の北部?東部地域開発の新しい段階
- 地方行政百科事典
- ロシア政治学全5巻:第一巻
- チェルシンキ:19世紀後半―20世紀初頭におけるヨーロッパ?ロシア国土地帯の農民のシベリアへの移民
- 地方行政百科事典
- ロシア東部反ボリシェビキ政府の金融政策
- ロシアの省庁百科事典
- ゾン:アラル海百科事典
- アルメニア統計年鑑
- カザフスタン国民百科2巻
- カザフスタン国民百科3巻
- カザフスタン国民百科4巻
- カザフスタン国民百科5巻
- アゼルバイジャン農業企業主要経済指標
- カザフスタン国民百科事典1巻
- 『日本女性差別事件資料集成3?賃金差別事件資料1』(全9巻),すいれん舎,2010年
- 『日本女性差別事件資料集成3?賃金差別事件資料2』(全11巻),すいれん舎,2010年
- 2009年度に購入した主な文献資料
- Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2008 (Sales No. 09.II.G.1).
- World Investment Report 2009: Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Production and Development. (Sales No.09.II.D.15)
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. April 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. May 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. June 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Oct./2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Sep./2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. Sep./2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. Nov./2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Nov./2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2009 Disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. Dec./2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Dec./2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2009 Disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2009 Disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2009 Disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2010 disc
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2010 disk.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2010 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2010 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2010 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. March 2010 disc.
- 中国税務年鑑 / Tax Year Book of China, 2008.(中国税務出版社)
- 中国税務年鑑 / Tax Year Book of China, 2009.(中国税務出版社)
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2009 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition)(National Bureau of Statistics of China (Comp.),)
- Finance Year Book of China, 2008.(National Bureau of Statistics of China (Comp.))
- African Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique, 2007. (Sales No. E/F.08.II.K.4)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006: (Sales No.: E/F.08.XVII.24). 2 vols.
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific / Annuaire statistique pour l'asie et le pacifique, 2008. (Sales No. E.09.II.F.1)
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 33: 2008. 2 Parts. (Sales No. E.09.IX.1).(Office for Disarmament Affairs)
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific / Annuaire statistique pour l'asie et le pacifique, 2007.
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007: (Sales No.: E/F.09.XVII.6). 2 vols.
- Statistical Yearbook, Fifty-Second Issue / Annuaire Statistique, Cinquante-deuxieme edition. (Sales No.:E/F.08.XVII.1)(Department of Economic and Social Affairs,)
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook 2008.
- Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook 2009.
- Finanzbericht 2010.(Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Hrsg.),)
- China Industry Economy Statistical Yearbook, 2008.
- Economic Report of the President 2009. Transmitted to the Congress January 2009.(GPO, US)
- World of Work Report 2008: Income Inequalities in the Age of Financial Globalization.(ILO, SZ)
- Global Wage Report 2008/09: Minimum Wages and Collective Bargaining: Towards Policy Coherence(ILO, SZ)
- Social Trends. 39th ed. 2009 ed(Office for National Statistics)
- World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change(World Bank)
- Statisticheskij ezhegodnik Respubliki Uzbekistan 2004(Uzbekiston Respublikasi davlat statistika qumitasi)
- Statisticheskij ezhegodnik Respubliki Uzbekistan 2007[(Uzbekiston Respublikasi davlat statistika qumitasi)
- Statisticheskij ezhegodnik regionov Respubliki Uzbekistan 2008(Uzbekiston Respublikasi davlat statistika qumitasi)
- Sel'skoe khoziajstvo Uzbekistana 2008. Statisticheskij sbornik.(Uzbekiston Respublikasi davlat statistika qumitasi)
- Agriculture of Georgia 2006: statistical collection(Department of Statistics under Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia i)
- Statistical Yearbook of Georgia: 2008(Department of Statistics under Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia)
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. I/Bd. 21: Marx, Karl / Engels, F., Werke, Artikel, Entwuerfe. September 1867 bis Maerz 1871.2 Bde.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- China's Great Economic Transformation(Brandt, Loren / Rawski, T. G. (eds.))
- Linkages between China's Regions: Measurement and Policy.(Groenewold, Nicolaas / Chen, Anping / Lee, Guoping)
- Environmental Protection in China: Land-Use Management.(Bennett, Jeff / Wang, Xuehong / Zhang, Lei (eds.))
- Beyond Facts: Understanding Quality of Life.
- Responses to Regionalism in East Asia: Japanese Production Networks in the Automotive Sector.(Staples, Andrew J.)
- Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth Be Sustained?(Nissanke, Machiko / Thorbecke, E. (eds.))
- Understanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and Applications.(Wan, Guanghua (ed.))
- Informal Institutions and Rural Development in China.(Hu, Biliang)
- Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China.(Murphy, Rachel (ed.))
- Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2009. 9th ed.
- Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2010. 10th ed.
- Politics of Modern Central Asia: Critical Issues in Modern Politics. 4 vols.(Dave, Bhavna (ed.))
- Globalization and Culture. 4 vols.(James, Paul / Tulloch, J. / Mandaville, P. et al. (eds.))
- 2008年度に購入した主な文献資料
- Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2007 (Sales No. 08.II.G.1).
- World Investment Report 2008: Transnational Corporations, and the Infrastructure Challenge. (Sales No.:E.08.II.D.23)
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2008 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2008 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. July 2008.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. August 2008.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. Aug./2008 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Aug./2008 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. September 2008.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Sep./2008 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. Sep./2008 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2008 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. October 2008.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Oct./2008 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM -12x. Annual Subscription Charge for July/2008-June/2009.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM-12x. Annual Subscription Charge for July/2008 - June/2009.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM -12x. Annual Subscription for July/2008 - June/2009.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2008.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. November 2008 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Nov./2008 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. Dec./2008 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2008 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. December 2008.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. January 2009 disc.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. February 2009 disc.
- 市区町村の統計 北海道?東北 2008
- 市区町村の統計 中部 2008
- 市区町村の統計 四国?中国 2008
- 市区町村の統計 九州 2008
- National Bureau of Statistics of China (Comp.),
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2008 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition).
- Tax Year Book of China, 2007.
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 32: 2007. 2 Parts. (Sales No. E.08.IX.1).(Office for Disarmament Affairs,)
- Statistical Yearbook, Fifty-First Issue / Annuaire statistique, Cinquante et unieme edition. (Sales No.:E/F.07.XVII.1)(Department of Economic and Social Affairs,)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2005: (Sales No.: E/F.07.XVII.7). 2 vols.
- Economic Report of the President 2008. Transmitted to the Congress February 2008.
- World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography.
- Development Economics through the Decades. A Critical Look at 30 Years of the World Development Report.(Yusuf, Shahid / Deaton, A. / Dervis, K. et al.,)
- Social Trends. No.38. 2008 ed.(Office for National Statistics,)
- Finanzbericht 2009.(Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Hrsg.),)
- China Industry Economy Statistical Yearbook, 2007.
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. II/Bd. 11: Karl Marx: Manuskripte zum zweiten Buch des 'Kapitals' 1868 bis 1881. Bearb. von Teinosuke Otani, L. Vasina u. C.-E. Vollgraf. Unter Mitwirkung von Kenji Mori u. R. Roth. 2 Bde.(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. II/Bd. 13: Marx, Karl, Das Kapital. Kritik der Politischen Oekonomie. Zweiter Band. Hamburg 1885. 2 Bde. Bearb. von I. Omura, K. Hayasaka, R. Hecker, S. Kubo, A. Miyakawa, u. a.,(Marx, Karl / Engels, F.,)
- The Korean Economic System: Governments, Big Business and Financial Institutions.(Shim, Jae-Seung / Lee, Moosung,)
- Urban China in Transition.(Logan, John R. (ed.),)
- Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. 2nd ed. 6 vols.(Kinsbruner, Jay / Langer, E. D. (eds.),)
- Inequality and Public Policy in China.(Gustafsson, Bjoern A. / Li, Shi / Sicular, T. (eds.),)
- Changing Lanes in China: Foreign Direct Investment, Local Governments, and Auto Sector Development.(Thun, Eric,)
- Value Added Tax: A Comparative Approach.(Schenk, Alan / Oldman, O.,)
- The Columbia Gazetteer of the World. 2nd ed. 3 vols.(Cohen, Saul B. (ed.),)
- The Korean Economy: The Challenges of FDI-led Globalization.(Kim, Wan-Soon / Lee, You-il,)
- Economics of Tax Law. 2 vols.(Weisbach, David A. (ed.),)
- Infrastructure and Trade in Asia.(Brooks, Douglas H. / Menon, J. (eds.),)
- Policy Reform and Chinese Markets: Progress and Challenges.(Fleisher, Belton M./Hope, N. C./Pena, A. A. et al. (eds.),)
- Crisis or Recovery in Japan: State and Industrial Economy.(Bailey, David / Coffey, D. / Tomlinson, P. (eds.),)
- The WTO and Poverty and Inequality. 2 vols.(Winters, L. Alan (ed.),)
- Corporate Governance and China's H-Share Market.(de Jonge, Alice,)
- International Business in Korea: The Evolution of the Market in the Globalization Era.(Kwon, O. Yul,)
- China in Search of a Harmonious Society.(Guo, Sujian / Guo, Baogang (eds.),)
- East Asia's Economic Integration: Progress and Benefit.(Hiratsuka, Daisuke / Kimura, Fukunari (eds.),)
- How the Chinese Economy Works. 2nd ed.(Guo, Rongxing,)
- India, China and Globalization: The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development.(Mahtaney, Piya,)
- International Encyclopedia of Social Policy
- Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender
- The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Abstract of the United States
- Providing Public Goods in Transitional China.(Saich, Tony,)
- China's Rise: Challenges and Opportunities.(Bergsten, C. Fred / Freeman, C. / Lardy, N. R. et al.,)
- Rent Seeking in China.(Ngo, Tak-Wing / Wu, Yongping (eds.),)
- Multinationals, Globalisation and Indigenous Firms in China.(Liu, Chunhang,)
- Amartya Sen: Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists. 5 vols.(Wood, John Cunningham / Wood, R. D. (eds.),)
- The New Rich in China: Future Rulers, Present Lives.(Goodman, David S. G. (ed.),)
- Capitalist Development in Korea: Labour, Capital and the Myth of the Developmental State.(Chang, Dae-oup,)
- Changing Governance and Public Policy in East Asia.(Mok, Ka Ho / Forrest, R. (eds.),)
- The Changing Face of Korean Management.(Rowley, Chris / Paik, Yongsun (eds.),)
- Korea's Developmental Alliance: State, Capital and the Politics of Rapid Development.(Hundt, David,)
- Contemporary China - An Introduction.(Dillon, Michael,)
- Chinese Economic Development.(Bramall, Chris,)
- China, East Asia and the Global Economy: Regional and Historical Perspectives. Ed. by L. Grove & M. Selden.(Hamashita, Takeshi,)
- Accelerating Japan's Economic Growth: Resolving Japan's Growth Controversy.(Adams, F. Gerard / Klein, L. R. / Kumasaka, Yuzo et al.,)
- The Making of Modern Korea. 2nd ed.(Buzo, Adrian,)
- China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household.(Fan, C. Cindy,)
- Ecological Economics. 4 vols.(Perrings, Charles (ed.),)
- A Floating City of Peasants: The Great Migration in Contemporary China.(Van Luyn, Floris-Jan,)
- Fiscal Policy and Management in East Asia.(Ito, Takatoshi / Rose, A. K. (eds.),)
- PROKLA 149: Globalisierung und Spaltungen in den Staedten.
- PROKLA 150: Umkaempfte Arbeit.
- PROKLA 151: Gesellschaftstheorie nach Marx und Foucault.
- PROKLA 152: Politik mit der inneren (Un)Sicherheit.
- PROKLA 153: Die USA nach Bush.
- 2007年度に購入した主な文献資料
1 CD?ROM版統計
エクセルファイルで入力してありますので、CDをパソコンに入れるだけで自動的に立ち上がり、初期画面が表示されるオートラン機能を搭載しています。 発行所はいずれもインデックス株式会社
① 日本経済統計年鑑 2007(英語併記版)
② 市区町村の統計(関東) 2008
③ 市区町村の統計(近畿) 2008
①米国経済統計年鑑 2007(英語版)
②EU経済統計年鑑 2007(英語版)
③ユーロ圏経済統計年鑑Ⅰ 2008(英語版)
④ユーロ圏経済統計年鑑Ⅱ 2008(英語版)
⑤欧州経済統計年鑑 2007(英語版)
⑥BRICs経済統計年鑑 2007(英語版)
⑦アジア?オセアニア統計年鑑Ⅰ 2007(英語併記版)
⑧アジア?オセアニア統計年鑑Ⅱ 2007(英語併記版)
⑨アジア?オセアニア統計年鑑Ⅲ 2007(英語併記版)
⑩中南米経済統計年鑑Ⅰ 2007(英語版)
?中東経済統計年鑑 2007(英語版)2 全集?論文集
James,Paul/Gills,B.K.et.al.(eds.),Globalization and Economy,
4 vols,2007(Sage,UK).3 単著
①Athukorala,Prema-chandra,Multinational Enterprises in Asian
②Eccleston,Richard,Taxing Reforms, E.Elgar,UK,2007.
③Fleisher,Belton M. u.a(eds.).,Market Developmennt in China, E.Elgar,UK,2007.
④Harvie,Charles/Lee,Boon-chve(eds.),Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in East Asia, E.Elgar,UK,2007.
⑤Jin,Renqing,Fiscal Policy in Chana,Thomson Learning,2007.
⑥Lim,Hua Sing,Japan and China:In East Asian Integration,
Inter-American Development Bank,2007.
⑦Li,Yang u.a.(eds.),China’s Banking and Financial Markets,Wiley,SI,2007.
⑧Padovano,Fabio,The Politics and Economics of Regional Transfers, E.Elgar,UK,2007.
- 2006年度に購入した主な文献資料
Ⅰ 英語?ドイツ語文献
1 統計書、政府報告書
(1)OECD- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. 1: Main Aggregates, 1993-2004 (2006 ed.).
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. IIa & IIb: Detailed Tables, 1993 ?2004(2006 ed.)..
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. IV: General Government Accounts,1992-2003, (2004 ed.).
- OECD ,Revenue Statistics. 1965-2005( 2006 ed.)
- OECD,Taxing Wages, 2004/2005(2005 ed.)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2004, 2 vols
- World Investment Report 2006.
- African Statistical Yearbook , 2004, VolII. , Part 4.
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific,2004
- Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2005
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol.30: 2005.
- Balance of Payments Statistics,Monthly (CD-ROM)
- Direction of Trade Statistics,Monthly (CD-ROM)
- International Financial Statistics,Monthly (CD-ROM)
- Bundesministeriumu der Finanzen,Finanzbericht 2006,2007.
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2005 .
- Tax Yearbook of China, 2005.
- World Development Report 2007..
2 事典、叢書、全集等
- The WTO and Agriculture. 2 vols, E. Elgar(UK),2005.(Anderson, Kym / Josling, T. (eds.),)
- The WTO's Core Rules and Disciplines. 2 vols, E.Elgar (UK),2006.(Anderson, Kym / Hoekman, B. (eds.),)
- Encyclopedia of Governance. 2 vols,Sage (US),2007.(Bevir, Mark (ed.),)
- 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook. 2 vols,Sage (US).,2007.(Bryant, Clifton D. / Peck, D. L. (eds.),)
- Banking and Insurance in the New China: Competition and the Challenge of Accession to the WTO, E.Elgar(US),2004.(Chen, Chien-Hsun / Shih, Hui-Tzu,)
- A History of Socialist Thought. With a new introduction by Andrew Gamble. 7 vols,Palgrave Macmillan(UK), 2002.(Cole, G.D.H.)
- International Encyclopedia of Social Policy. 3 vols,Routledge,(UK),2006.(Fitzpatrick, Tony / Kwon, Huck-ju / Manning, N. et al.(eds.))
- Spatial Aspects of Environmental Policy,Ashgate(UK),2005.(Geoghegan, Jacqueline / Gray, W. (eds.),)
- Critical Perspectives on Globalization, E.Elgar(UK),2006..(Giusta, Marina Della / Kambhampati, U. S. et al. (eds.),)
- Governance and the Public Sector,E.Elgar(UK),2005..(Hodges, Ron (ed.),)
- Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China,Routledge(UK),2006.(Li, Shi / Sato, Hiroshi (eds.),)
- Environmental Taxation in Practice, Ashgate(UK),2006..(Muller, Adrian / Sterner, T. (eds.),)
- The International Trading System, Globalization and History, E.Elgar,2005.(O'Rourke, Kevin H. (ed.),)
- Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociolpgy. 11 vols.,Blackwell Publishers(UK),2005(Ritzer,George(ed.).)
- The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists. 2 vols,Thoemmes Continuum(UK),2004.(Rutherford, Donald (editor-in-chief),)
- Writings on Industrial Democracy. 3 vols, Palgrave Macmillan, (UK),2003..(Webb, Sidney / Webb, B.,)
3 単行本
- Making Political Ecology,Zed Books Ltd.,2005(Neumann,RoderickP.)
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,Addison -Wesley(USA),2005..(Tietenberg)
Ⅱ 日本語文献?全集
1 統計書
総務省統計局監修『新版 日本長期統計総覧』(全5巻)
全巻CD-ROM付2 復刻資料
① 社会保険 92タイトル、CD-ROM2枚
② 生活問題 127タイトル、CD-ROM3枚3 加除式資料
① 新しい地域づくり
② 都市をデザインする
③ 行政改革
④ 地方公務員
⑤ 市民参加?NPO?情報公開
⑥ 行政の文化化
⑦ 緑と水
⑧ コミュニティづくり
⑨ 高齢社会?介護保険
⑩ 福祉と教育
? 環境?ごみ?リサイクル
? 先端産業の誘致?育成
? 民間活力の活用
? ニューメディア?OA化
? ふるさとおこし?過疎脱却
- 2005年度購入の主な文献
Ⅰ 英語文献
1 統計書、政府報告書
(1)OECD- National Accounts of OECD Countries, Vol. IIIa: Financial Accounts - Flows 1991-2002 / Vol. IIIb: Financial Balance Sheets - Stocks 1991-2002 (2004 ed.). 2 vols.
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. 1: Main Aggregates, 1991-2002 (2004 ed.).
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. IIa & IIb: Detailed Tables, 1991 - 2002 (2004 ed.). 2 vols.
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. IV: General Government Accounts, 1992-2003 (2004 ed.).
- OECD Economic Outlook, Vol. 2004/2. No. 76, December.
- OECD Economic Surveys 2002 - 2003: France.
- OECD Economic Surveys, 2002 - 2003: Italy.
- OECD Economic Surveys, Vol. 2004/Issue 3 (March 2004): United Kingdom.
- OECD Economic Surveys, Vol. 2004/Issue 4 (March 2004): Sweden.
- OECD Economic Surveys, Vol. 2004/Issue 7 (May 2004): United States.
- OECD Economic Surveys. Mexico. Vol. 2003, Suppl. No.1 (January 2004).
- OECD Economic Surveys: Canada - Vol. 2004/Issue 16 (December 2004).
- OECD Economic Surveys: Euro Area (Vol. 2004/5 - September 2004).
- OECD Economic Surveys: Germany - Vol. 2004/Issue 12 (September 2004).
- OECD Economic Surveys: Japan. (Vol. 2005, Issue 3 - March 2005).
- OECD Economic Surveys: Korea. (Vol. 2004/10 - June 2004).
- OECD Health Data 2004:A Comparative Analysie of 30 Countries.
- OECD Historical Stattistics: 1970/2000.2001 Edition.
- OECD Social Expenditure Database. 1980-1998.2001 Edition.(3rd ed.)
- OECD,Taxing Wages,2003/2004: Special Feature: Broadening the Definition of the Average Worker. 2004Edition.
- International trade Statistics Yearbook 2003,2 vols.
- World Inverstment report 2005: Transnational Corporations and the Internationalization of R & D.
- African statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique 2004,Vol.Ⅰ, Part 1 - North Africa.
- African statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique 2004,Vol.Ⅱ, Part 3 - Central Africa.
- Anuario Estadistico de America Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004.
- The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Vol. 29: 2004.
- Balance of Payments Statistics,Monthly (CD-ROM)
- Direction of Trade Statistics,Monthly (CD-ROM)
- International Finanial Statistics,Monthly (CD-ROM)
- China's Economic Relations with the West and Japan. 1949 - 79: Grain, Trade and Diplomacy.
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2004 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition.)
- China Statistical Yearbook, 2005 (Chinese/English Bilingual Edition.)
- China Industry Economy Statisticul Yearbook, 2004.
- Finance Year Book of China, 2004.
- Economic Report of the President. Transmitted to the Congress, February 2005. Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers.
- Economic Report of the President. Transmitted to the Congress, February 2006. Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers.
- Historical Statistics of the United States. Millenial Edition. 5 vols.
- International Statistical Yearbook on CD-ROM. 2004 edition. (6 Discs)
- World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development.
2 事典、叢書、全集等
書名 著編者 出版社 The WTO and Agriculture. 2 vols. Anderson, Kym / Josling, T. (eds.), E. Elgar, UK Recetn Developments in Tnternational Trade theory. Falvey, Rod / Kreickemeier, U. E. Elgar, UK Special Economics. 2 vols. Fujita, Masahira(ed.), E. Elgar, UK Special Aspects of Environmental Policy. Geoghegan, Jacqueline / Gray, W. Ashgate, UK Govermance and the Public Sector. Hodges, Ron(ed.), E. Elgar, UK Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. II/Bd. 12: Marx, Karl, Das Kapital. Kritik der Politischen Oekonomie. Zweites Buch. Redaktionsmanuskript von Friedrich Engels 1884/1885. 2 Bde. Bearb. von Izumi Omura, Keizo Hayasaka, Rolf Hecker u. a. Marx, Kari / Engels, F., Akademie, GW Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Abt. III/Bd. 11: Marx, Karl / Engels, F., Briefwechsel Juni 1860 bis Dezember 1861. Text & Apparat. 2 Bde. Marx, Kari / Engels, F., Akademie, GW Social Trends. No.36 2006 ed. Office for Nacional Statistics, Palgrave Macmillan, UK The International Trading System, Globalization and History. 2 Vols. O'Rourke, Kevin H.(ed.), E. Elgar, UK Encyclopedia of American Industries. 4th ed. 2 vols. Pearce, Lynn M.(ed.), Gale Group, US Encylopedia of Social Theory. 2 vols. Ritzer, George(ed.), Sage, US New International Financial Architecture. 2 vols. Roubini, Nouriel / Uzan, M.(eds.), E. Elgar, UK The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists. 2 vols. Rutherford, Donald(editor-in-chief). Thoemmes Continuum, UK St. James Encylopedia of Labor History Worldwide. 2 vols. Schlager, Neil(ed.), Gale, US New Developments in Economic Sociology. 2 vols. Swedberg, Richard(ed.), E. Elgar, UK The Environment Encyclopedia and Directory 2005. 4th ed. Routledge, UK 3 中国プロジェクト関連
書名 著編者 出版社 The Chinese Army Today: Tradition and Transformation for the 21st Century. Blasko, Dennis J., Routledge, UK Challenges for China's Development: An Enterprise Perspective. Brown, David H. / MacBean, A. Routledge, UK Does China Matter? A Teassessment: Essays in Memory of Gerald Segal. Buzan, Barry / Foot, R.(eds.), RoutledgeCurzon, UK China Along the Yellow River: Reflections on Rural Society. Tr. by N. Harman&H. Ruhua Cao, Jinqing, RoutledgeCurzon, UK The Chinese Model of Modern Development. Cao, Tian Yu(ed.), Routledge, UK Globalization, Competiand Growth in China. Chen, Jian / Yao, Shujie(eds.), Routledge, UK HRM, Work and Employment in China. Cooke, Fang Lee, Routledge, UK China's Political System: Modernization and Tradition. 5th ed. Dreyer, June Teufel. Longman, US Rural China: Economic and Social Change in the Late Twentieth Century. Fan, Jie / Heberer, T. / Taubmann, W., Sharpe, US Only Hope: Coming of Age under China's One-Child Policy. Fong, Vanessa L., Stanford U. Pr., US China and the Challenge of Economic Globalization: The Impact of WTO Menbership. Fung, Hung-Gay / Pei, C. / Zhang, K. H. (eds.), Sharpe, US Chinese Capitalism and the Modernist Vision. Gabriel, Satyananda J., Routledge, UK Employment of Women in Chinese Cultures: Half the Sky. Granrose, Cherlyn Skromme(ed.), E. Elgar, UK Environment adn Resettlement Politics in China: The Three Gorges Project. Heggelund, Gorild, Ashgate, UK China and Southeast Asia: Global Changes an Regional Challenges. Ho, Khai Leong / Ku, S. C. Y.(eds.), ISEAS, SI Governance in China. Howell, Jude (ed.), Rowman & Littlefield, US China as a Rising World Power and its Response to 'Globalization'. Keith, Ronald C. (ed.), Routledge, UK Critical Issues in China's Growth and Development. Kwan, Yum K. / Yu, E. S. H. (eds.), Ashgate, UK Chinese Civil-Military Relations: the Transfomation of the People's Liberation Army. Li, Nan (ed.), Routledge, UK Technology and Knoelege Transfer in China. Li-Hua, Richard, Ashgate, UK China Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the People's Republic. 2 vols. Luo, Jing (ed.), Greenwood, US Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space. Ma, Laurence J. C. / Wu, Fulong (eds.), Routledge, UK China's Economic Relations with the West and Japan, 1949 - 79: Grain, Trade and Diplomacy. Mitcham, Chad J., Routledge, UK Technological Superpower China. Sigurdson, Jon, E. Elgar, UK China's Past, China's Future: Energy, Food, Environment. Smil, Vaclav, Routledge, UK Ⅱ 日本語文献?全集
1 自治体改革 全10巻 出版社?ぎょうせい
- 第1巻 地方制度改革(横道清孝編著)
- 第2巻 自治体経営改革(武藤博己編著)
- 第3巻 自治体制作のイノベーション(今井 照編著)
- 第4巻 制作法務の新展開(磯崎初仁編著)
- 第5巻 自治体デモグラシー改革(西尾 勝編著)
- 第6巻 職員?組織改革(天野巡一編著)
- 第7巻 地方税制改革(池上岳彦編著)
- 第8巻 地方財政改革(神野直彦編著)
- 第9巻 住民?コミュニティとの協働(西尾 隆編著)
- 第10巻 情報改革(廣瀬克哉編著)
2 分権型社会を創る 全12巻 出版社?ぎょうせい
- 第1巻 分権型社会を創る(西尾 勝編著)
- 第2巻 都道府県を変える(西尾 勝編著)
- 第3巻 分権時代の首長と議会(大森 彌編著)
- 第4巻 地方分権と自治体法務(小早川光郎編著)
- 第5巻 分権型税財政制度を創る(神野直彦編著)
- 第6巻 分権型税財政制度の運営(神野直彦編著)
- 第7巻 市町村の規模と能力(岩崎美紀子編著)
- 第8巻 市民の世紀へ(松本克夫、自治?分権ジャーナリストの会編著)
- 第9巻 分権改革と地域空間管理(小早川光郎編著)
- 第10巻 分権改革と教育行政(西尾 勝、小川正人編著)
- 第11巻 分権改革と地域福祉社会の形成(大森 彌編著)
- 第12巻 第3の改革を目指して(松本克夫、自治?分権ジャーナリストの会編著)
3 新時代の地方自治 全8巻 出版社?ぎょうせい
- 第1巻 地方自治 新時代の地方行政システム(伊藤祐一郎編著)
- 第2巻 地域づくりと地域振興(北里敏明編)
- 第3巻 住民主体の地方行財政システム(伊藤祐一郎編著)
- 第4巻 自治体経営財政運営システム(田村政志?椎川 忍編)
- 第5巻 分権時代の地方税務行政(田村政志?桑原隆広編)
- 第6巻 情報化時代の自治体運営(北里敏明編)
- 第7巻 人材育成と組織の革新(西村清司編)
- 第8巻 少子高齢化時代の自治体と社会保障政策(椎川 忍編)
- 2004年度
- 平成16年度に入手した主な文献資料は下記の通りです。
1 国際機関?外国政府統計書等
- African Development Report 2004: Africa in the Global Trading System.
- India 2003: A Reference Annual.
- Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM. 2005/3.
- Direction of Trade Statistics on CD-ROM. 2005/3.
- International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM. 2005/3.
- Anuario Estatistico do Brasil 2002 / Vol. 62.
- Annuario Statistico Italiano 2004. (contiene CD-ROM)
- Philippine Statistical Yearbook 2004.
- Nordic Statistical Yearbook (Nordisk statistisk arsbok) 2004 / Vol. 42 (CD-ROM Included). Edited by F. Dahlgaard.
- Economic Outlook, Vol. 2004/1. No. 75; June.Vol. 2004/2. No. 76, December.
- Economic Surveys: Euro Area (Vol. 2004/05);Canada ( Vol. 2004);France(Vol.2002/03);Germany( Vol. 2004); Italy(Vol.2002/03);Japan(Vol.2005);Korea. (Vol. 2004);Mexico( Vol. 2003);Sweden (Vol. 2004);United Kingdom( Vol. 2004); United States (Vol. 2004).
- Health Data 2004: A Comparative Analysis of 30 Countries.
- Historical Statistics: 1970/2000. 2001 Edition.
- International Statistical Yearbook on CD-ROM. 2004 edition. (6 Discs)
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. IV: General Government Accounts, 1992-2003 (2004 ed.).
- National Accounts of OECD Countries, Vol. IIIa: Financial Accounts - Flows 1991-2002 / Vol. IIIb: Financial Balance Sheets - Stocks 1991-2002 (2004 ed.) in 2 vols.
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. IIa & IIb: Detailed Tables, 1991 - 2002 (2004 ed.).
- National Accounts of OECD Countries. Vol. 1: Main Aggregates, 1991-2002 (2004 ed.).
- Revenue Statistics 1965-2003. 2004 Edition.
- Social Expenditure Database on CD-ROM. 1980-1998. 2001 Edition. (3rd ed.)
- Taxing Wages, 2003/2004 (2004 ed.). Special Feature: Broadening the Definition of the Average Worker.
- Focus on Social Inequalities. 2004 ed.
- Statistisches Jahrbuch 2004 fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
- Business Statistics of the United States. 10th ed., 2005.
- International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2005.
2 社会科学重要論
- Recent Developments in Growth Theory. 2 vols.
- The Political Economy of Financial Crises. 2 vols.
- The Foundations of Pension Finance. 2 vols.
- Models of Capitalism: Debating Strengths and Weaknesses. 3 vols.
- Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories.
- Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories.
- International Monetary Relations in the New Global Economy. 2 vols.
- The Economics of Poverty and Inequality. 2 vols.
- Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment. 2 vols.
- Encyclopedia of Government and Politics. 2nd ed. 2 vols.
- Recent Developments in Environmental Economics. 2 vols.
- The Foundations of Bureaucracy in Economic and Social Thought. 2 vols.
- Socialism.: Critical Concepts in Political Science. 4 vols.
- The Social Science Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. 2 vols.
- The Social Science Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. 2 vols.
- Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment. Rev. ed.
- Globalization.: Critical Concepts in Sociology. 6 vols.
- The Economics of Budget Deficits. 2 vols.
- Income Distribution. 3 vols.
3 「中国社会研究」プロジェクト関連文献
- アジア太平洋研究叢書第4巻 アジアの都市システム
- アジア太平洋研究叢書第5巻 地域企業のグローバル経営戦略 -日本?韓国?中国の経営比較-
- アジア太平洋研究叢書第7巻 アジア都市政府の比較研究 -福岡?釜山?上海?広州-
- アジア太平洋研究叢書第8巻 高齢者福祉の比較文化:マレーシア?中国?オーストラリア?日本
- アジア太平洋研究叢書第9巻 中国東北の経済発展-九州との交流促進をめざして―
- アジア太平洋研究叢書第14巻 雲南の「西部大開発」-日中共同研究の視点から-
- 現代中国の構造変動第1巻 大国中国への視座
- 現代中国の構造変動第2巻 経済-構造変動と市場化
- 現代中国の構造変動第3巻 ナショナリズム-歴史からの接近
- 現代中国の構造変動第4巻 政治-中央と地方の構図
- 現代中国の構造変動第5巻 社会-国家との共棲関係
- 現代中国の構造変動第6巻 環境-成長への制約となるか
- 現代中国の構造変動第7巻 中華世界-アイデンティティの再編
- 現代中国の構造変動第8巻 国際関係-アジア太平洋の地域秩序
- シリーズ 中国経済第1巻 経済発展と体制移行
- シリーズ 中国経済第2巻 農民国家の課題
- シリーズ 中国経済第5巻 経済の国際化
- シリーズ 中国経済第6巻 地域の発展
- シリーズ 中国経済第7巻 所得格差と貧困
- シリーズ 中国経済第8巻 経済発展と社会変動
- 中国の産業化と地域生活
- 中国の核?ミサイル?宇宙戦力
- 現代中国の政府間財政関係
- 中国環境ハンドブック 2005-2006
- 中国年鑑 2004年版
- 中国女性の一〇〇年-史料にみる歩み
- 中国の人権:その歴史と思想と現実と
- 北東アジアの未来像:21世紀の環日本海
- アジアの国際分業と女性労働
- 中国農村社會の構造
- 中国の経済:開発戦略の理念と手法
- 中国最近金融史:支那の通貨?為替?金融
- 中国の経済発展と日本的生産システム:テレビ産業における技術移転と形成
- 中国進出企業地図:日系企業?業種別編
- 現代中国と世界
- 中国経済論(現代世界経済叢書 第2巻)
- 変貌する中国の都市と農村
- 中国教育の発展と矛盾
- 現代中国経済 日中の比較考察
- 現代中国経済史研究
- 開発途上国中国の地域開発:経済成長?地域格差?貧困
- 中国産業ハンドブック 2003-2004年版
- グローバル競争時代の中国自動車産業
- 中国経済入門:目覚めた巨龍はどこへ行く
- 大国への試練:転換期の中国経済
- 新版 現代中国政治
- 中国の市場経済化と日中経済競争
- 中国政府間財政関係の実態と対応-1980~90年代の総括-
- 現代中国の地域構造
- 中國の農村家族
- 中国情報ハンドブック 2004年版
- 中国進出企業一欄 2003-2004年版
- 開放中国国際化のゆくえ:黄渤海経済圏と日本
- 中国をめぐる国際環境
- 人民元切上げと中国経済
- 中国の現代史:戦争と社会主義
- 中国の経済成長-地域連関と政府の役割
- 中国における市場分断
- 中国社会と腐敗:腐敗との向きあい方
- 現代中国の支配と官僚制:体制変容のダイナミックス
- 中国「国有企業」の経営と労使関係―鉄鋼産業の事例〈1950年代~90年代〉―
- 中国の国有企業改革:市場原理によるコーポート?ガバナンスの構築
- 中国における外資系合弁企業の法規制と問題点:合弁有限会社?株式会社?持株会社を中心に
- 中国の知識型経済-華人イノベーションのネットワーク
- 挑戦する中国内陸の産業
- グローバリゼーションと中国経済
- 現代アジアの産業発展と国際分業
- 移行期の中国自動車産業
- 中国の政治―開かれた社会主義への道程―
- 東アジアの階層比較
- 上海経済圏情報(蒼蒼社)
- 上海経済圏情報(お茶の水書房)
- 現代中国の紛争と法
- 中国の社会:開放される12億の民
- 華人経済圏と日本
- 中国 社会と文化 第1ー14号
- 中国の社会変動
- 長江流域
- アジアの大都市 [5]北京、上海
- 中国の人口問題と社会的現実
- 【図説】現代中国
- 図説 現代中国:環境問題から日中関係まで
- 開放中のクルマたち:その技術と技術移転
- 香港経済研究序説:植民地制度下の自由放任政策
- Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse in Asien: China-Japan-Korea
- Die Normalisierung der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den USA und der VR China 1969-1979.
- Chinas Jahrhundert: Die Zukunft der naechsten oekonomischen Supermacht hat bereits begonnen.
- Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten eines Finanzausgleichssystems fuer die VR China.
- Corporate Governance in China.
- Wiedervereinigungen waehrend und nach der Ost-West-Blockkonfrontation.
- Rueckfall ins Chaos: Aufzeichnungen aus einem Arbeitslager zur Zeit der 'Anti-Rechts-Kampagne'.
- Die ethnisch-kulturellen Differenzierungen im Prozess der Globalisierung: Am Beispiel taiwanesischer Unternehmer in China.
- Politische Opposition in China seit 1989.
- Wirtschaftsethik in China am Fallbeispiel von Shanghaier Protestanten: Zwischen Marx und Mammon.
- Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development in China.
- Parteistaat und Protestantische Kirche: Religionspolitik im nachmaoistischen China.
- Option China?: Chancen und Risiken fuer den deutschen Mittelstand in Asien.
- Finanzausgleichspolitik in der Volksrepublik China: Eine empirische Analyse der Haushaltsreform von 1994 im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zentrale und peripherie.
- Beschaffung von chinesischen Industrieunternehmen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Strukturen, Prozesse und Determinanten.
- Unternehmer als strategische Gruppen: Zur sozialen und politischen Funktion von Unternehmern in China und Vietnam.
- Die Politik der Wirtschaftsreformen in China und Russland.
- Das politische System der Volksrepublik China. 2., aktual. Aufl.
- Direktinvestitionen in China.
- Die Politisierung ethnischer Identitaeten im internationalen Staatensystem.
- Erfolgsfaktoren fuer Internationalisierungsstrategien: Dargestellt am Beispiel des Engagements deutscher Unternehmen inder VR China.
- Rechtssicherheit bei Direktinvestitionen in der VR China am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie.
- China's Reforms and Reformers.
- Rechtssicherheit bei Direktinvestitionen in der VR China am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie.
- Inflation als Herausforderung der Legitimation politischer Herrschaft in der VR China: Wirtschaftspolitische Strategienin den Jahren 1987 - 89.
- Der chinesische Weg: Sozialistische Marktwirtschaft.
- The Emerging of China's Civil Society and Its Significance for Governance.
- Umweltschutz in China.
- China: Partner in der Weltwirtschaft. 119. Bergedorfer Gespraechskreis.
- China's Rational Entrepreneurs: The Development of the New Private Business Sector.
- The Theory and Practice of Free Economic Zones: A Case Study of Tianjin / People's Republic of China.
- Cyber China: Reshaping National Identities in the Age of Information.
- Transforming China: Globalization, Transition and Development.
- China im Aufbruch: Hintergruende und Perspektiven eines Systemwandels.
- Spatial Structure and Regional Development in China: Interregional Input-Output Approach.
- Das Recht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs in China im Vergleich zu Deutschland.
- Vom Aufbruch zum Verfall: Der Wandel eines chinesischen Dorfes.
- Globalization, Transition and Development in China: The Case of the Coal Industry.
- Multipolare Weltordnung und Chinas Vorstellungen: Kooperationsabsichten der chinesischen Welt (insbesondere Chinas) in Bezug auf das Vereinte Europa (insbesondere Deutschland) und Nordeurasien (insbesondere Russland).
- Die Volksrepublik China und die ASEAN-Staaten im Streit um die Spratlys: Eine Analyse der Determinanten chinesischer Aussenpolitik gegenueber der Region Suedost Asien.
- China's Business Reforms: Institutional Challenges in a Globalized Economy.
- Zwischen Traditioin und Revolution.
- Konflikt oder Kooperation in Asien-Pazifik?: Chinas Einbindung in regionale Sicherheitsstrukturen und die Auswirkungen auf Europa.
- Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China.
- Welfare,Environment and Changing US-Chinese Relations.
- Moeglichkeiten, Grenzen und Erfolgsdeterminanten volkswirtschaftlicher Regierungsberatung im Reformprozess der VR China.
- Remaking the Chinese Leviathan: Market Transition and the Politics of Governance in China.
- A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism.
- Will China Become Democratic?: Elite, Class and Regime Transition.
- 2003年度No.2
- 平成15年度上半期に入手した主な文献資料は下記の通りです。
1 CD-ROM版外国統計
新規購入は控えておりますが、IMFが刊行している下記の3点を継続購入しています。四半期毎に新しいヴァージョンが届いています。- International Financial Statistics.
- Balance of Payments Statistics.
- Direction of Trade Statistics.
2 外国統計
- United Nations,African StatisticalYearbook 2000;2001.
- United Nations,StatisticalYearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2002.
- U.S.President,Economic Report of the President 2003.
- U.S. Department of Commerce,Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002.
- Inter-American Development Bank,Economic and Social Progress in Latin America, 2001;2002.
3 邦語文献
- 経済産業省『通商白書』平成15年。
- 総務省『統計基準年報』平成14年。
- 経済企画庁『戦後経済史 財政金融編』
- 東京都『東京都中小企業経営白書』平成15年。
- 東京都『東京の産業と労働』平成15年。
- 日本機械工業連合会『機械統計要覧』平成15年。
- 日本貿易振興会『ジェトロ貿易投資白書』平成15年。
- 信金中央金庫『全国信用金庫概況』平成14年。
- 信金中央金庫『全国信用金庫統計』平成14年。
- 2003年度No.1
- 平成14年度末には、外国語辞典を中心に購入しました。平成14年度末に購入した主な文献資料は下記の通りです。
- Dimand,R.W.,A Bibliographical Dictionary of Women Economists,E.Elger,2000.
- Everitt,B.S.,The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics,Cambridge U.Pr,2002.
- O'Brien,D.P.,The History of Taxation 8 vols,Pickering & Chatto,2003.
- O'Hara,P.A.,Encyclopedia of Political Economy,Routledge,2001.
- Pendergast,S.,Worldmark Encyclopedia of National Economies,Gale Group,2002.
- Lamp,M.L.,Dictionary of Officials and Organizations in China 2 vols,Sharpe,2003.
- Sawyer,M.,A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists,E.Elgar,2000.
- Smelser,N.J.,The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Science26 vols,Gale Group,2002.