Institute for Commercial Sciences
The Institute for Commercial Sciences was established in 1965 with the aim of conducting commercial research and educational guidance, and celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2006. In 2008, the Institute had a staff of 84 researchers specializing in a variety of research topics, though commerce remains the principal focus. Research activity includes the publication of research papers, The Senshu Business Review annual journal and books, organization of regular research seminars and public symposiums, practical research, data gathering, and performance of joint research and research commissioned by outside parties.In the 2007 academic year, the Institute hosted three public symposiums: "The Chain Store and Innovation of Distribution" (hosted jointly with the School of Commerce and co-sponsored by the Japan Chain Stores Association), "Learning from Towns and Vitalizing Towns" (hosted jointly with the School of Commerce and sponsored by the Three Universities of Tama Liaison Council) and "Corporate Management and Modern Risk Management." The Institute has published research papers (up to Issue 1 of Volume 40), The Senshu Business Review (an annual journal that has now reached Issue 3), and seven volumes of books so far. Further objectives of the Institute include enhancing the appeal of its public symposiums and joint research projects, and carrying out more joint research with researchers overseas (especially with the Institute for Kyungnam Regional Studies, with which the university has an academic exchange agreement) and research commissioned by local governments, private enterprises, and other organizations.