Alumni Association
Since its founding in 1880, Senshu University has produced numerous graduates who have gone on to pursue productive careers in society, including public servants such as politicians, judges, prefectural governors, and university professors; businessmen such as CEOs of large corporations and entrepreneurs; athletes in sports such as baseball and wrestling; and artists such as photographers and illustrators. These graduates have been active in a broad range of fields, and many of them have been a driving force in their industries.The Senshu University Alumni Association serves to connect these graduates. Its purpose is to deepen the bonds of friendship among members and to contribute to the development of the University. Using annual membership fees, it conducts a variety of activities, including offering assistance to students; cooperating with the University’s development; supporting international students; publishing Adonis, the Alumni Association magazine; holding annual meetings; and offering assistance to local chapters and class reunions.
In addition to more than 300 chapters in various regions and industries, the Alumni Association has overseas chapters in locations that include South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Los Angeles. Occupational chapters for fields and employers such as real estate, the Tokyo Fire Department, logistics and distribution, accounting, and hotels/lodging conduct a particularly active program of activities. In addition to giving graduates who live in the same region or work in the same occupation an opportunity to candidly exchange views with their older and younger peers through annual meetings, social gatherings, and support for sports teams, the Association frequently facilitates the exchange of information and sharing of expertise, sometimes leading to new business opportunities.
As well as an annual meeting for all members, the Alumni Association hosts a variety of chapter-level events, including golf competitions, couples’ gatherings, and New Year parties. Some chapters also get involved in their local community by manning a booth at festivals or participating in cleanup activities. Since such activities bolster the reputation of Senshu University in those communities, they are an excellent example of how it is possible to contribute to the development of the University while having fun.
The cumulative result of the fellowship promoted by the Alumni Association is a transformation of members’ relationships into lifelong bonds of friendship. The group serves to broaden those relationships not only vertically among younger and older alumni, but also horizontally across companies and other organizations