揘妛壢僒僀僩儅僢僾 丂> 愱廋戝妛戝妛堾暥妛尋媶壢 > 揘妛壢>戝妛堾揘妛愱峌> 傾僪儈僢僔儑儞億儕僔乕 曇廤 2013/03/14


The educational goal of the Major in Philosophy is to train in fundamential thinking can see to the root core of the various problems facing modern society, through training in an understanding of the basic principles of western philosophy, from the ancient to the modern, in their original language, along with Jpanease thoughts. We therfore desire students who wants to give consideration to things logically and historically, who have the humillity to learn from the opinions of pioneers, and who are thorough enough to make their own position clear and persuade those around them of it.

Guidance in research takes place in phylosophy from the Greek to modern German and France, as well as including more modern fields such as thought experiments and the philosophy of science. Obtaining high level research education abilities through this major has the potential to create researchers who can become the core of a variety of research institutions in the production industries or public institution fields, and of educational institutions, university philosophy teaching staff, professionals using a high level of specialized knowledge and abilities, and intellectuals who can support our knoeledge based society in a variety of ways.
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